Friday, August 20, 2021

Boy Scouts Ch. 11 Judge OKs $850M Victims Settlement Pool

Law360 (August 19, 2021, 7:27 PM EDT) — A Delaware bankruptcy judge allowed the Boy Scouts of America to move ahead Thursday with an $850 million piece of a restructuring agreement aimed at resolving tens of thousands of sexual abuse claims, while leaving unsettled a dispute over a major insurer’s proposed $650 million payout cap.

The Boy Scouts of America received a bankruptcy judge’s approval Thursday to move forward with an $850 million settlement pool for victims of sexual abuse. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren) The ruling by U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Laurie Selber Silverstein, which followed a three-day hearing that ended earlier this week, emerged as all sides were preparing for…

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The post Boy Scouts Ch. 11 Judge OKs $850M Victims Settlement Pool first appeared on Aggressive Injury Law.


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