Saturday, August 28, 2021

Texas Hospital Slips Stroke Med Mal Due To Missing Doc List

Law360 (August 27, 2021, 7:57 PM EDT) — A Texas appeals court sank a malpractice suit launched by a husband who claims a Corpus Christi hospital and its doctor failed to treat his wife’s stroke, ruling that he should have listed all physicians who had cared for her in his pre-suit notice form.

The three-justice panel on Thursday said that Joseph Taylor, who is suing on behalf of his wife, Susie Taylor, isn’t entitled to the “benefits of the 75 day tolling provision” found in the Texas Medical Liability Act because he didn’t comply with the law’s filing requirements. The order overturned a lower court’s decision and awarded summary…

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The post Texas Hospital Slips Stroke Med Mal Due To Missing Doc List first appeared on Aggressive Injury Law.


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